Home » Windows 7 Xbox Extenders Go Dark

Windows 7 Xbox Extenders Go Dark

image I’ve been hit and I have no doubt at all that there are those reading this who are wondering what is going on.  Microsoft has decided to take Xbox Live down for maintenance for up to 24 hours.  While this is normally just a minor inconvenience, if you’re running Windows 7, you no have no access to Media Center.

The Windows 7 beta and the release candidate require your Xbox 360 extender to have a connection to Xbox Live.  I have to assume this is due to Microsoft wanting to make sure everything is up to date on the extender but to have a 24 hour down period is ridiculous.

I consider myself lucky.  My HTPC is in the living room and so I can still use Media Center on that television.  Also, my sons’ playroom TV runs off of a Linksys extender.  People like Josh Pollard, my Entertainment 2.0 co-host however, only use the Xbox 360.  These folks are going to have to deal with this issue today.

The good part is that this will go away once you have a retail copy of Windows 7 on your machine, or so I’ve been told.  I certainly hope that’s the case as to think that Media Center will require an XBL connection from here on out is a little odd.  I can understand “calling home” once a week to ensure that the extender is up to date but any more than that and Microsoft will just be killing Media Center a little bit more.

The sad part is that between this and the DTV switch causing so many Media Center issues, this is really hurting the Media Center community and how the community sees Microsoft’s support of their product.

***According to a few people, if you haven’t installed the NXE update on your 360 then you should be unaffected by today’s down time.***



About the author

Adam Thursby

Adam Thursby is the founder and creator of The Digital Media Zone.


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