Home » Entertainment 2.0: Episode 34-MCE Problems and Debacles
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Entertainment 2.0: Episode 34-MCE Problems and Debacles

Print Yep, Media Center had some troubles this week and we talk about them on this week’s episode.

First, Media Center made the news as an HTPC solution which couldn’t handle the DTV transition here in the U.S.  It’s not as though it was a secret that this was coming so to see our preferred solution not be able to handle it was kinda sad.

As well, it seems that during the RC stage of Windows 7, your Xbox 360 extender has to call home (using Xbox Live) every time you use it.  This caused some issues this past Tuesday when MS shut down XBL for maintenance.  While maintenance is something we expect, some people didn’t like the fact that their extender was useless for 24 hours.

Thanks to all of the listeners for sending in the email for the show this week.  You help make the show better with every email!

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Remember, you can leave us a voicemail at 1-877-856-4933 and we’ll get you on the show.  Thanks again to every one who joined us live.  We hope to have a more stable solution for you soon.

Click here to download Episode 34 or listen below:

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About the author

Adam Thursby

Adam Thursby is the founder and creator of The Digital Media Zone.


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  • Hi,
    the e-mail about ion said exactely what i thought when i read about ion.
    the thing is that it would play EVERY codec as it is a HTPC.
    and by the time WHS vail comes out, ion or equivalentely powered nettops will be cheaper. what's more, for me an extender that doesn't play all my media is simply not an option.
    But at the moment, there is simply no news about vail, so it is all guessing.

    I think MS doesn't release news about Vail because WHS v1 is just taking off(many new servers have been released)

  • You guys straying into the world of Windows and IE in Europe and I was thinking that a great promotional opportunity would be for some company to get a load of really cheap USB sticks. Wouldn't need to be too big. Put their company logo all over them and load them up with Firefox, Open Office and any other useful Open Source program and hand them out in Europe to all those buying the low end Windows that doesn't come with a browser. They could do it with CDs too but USB is just cooler and the sticks could be used later for other things, still carrying the company logo.

    Enjoy the show.

  • You guys straying into the world of Windows and IE in Europe and I was thinking that a great promotional opportunity would be for some company to get a load of really cheap USB sticks. Wouldn't need to be too big. Put their company logo all over them and load them up with Firefox, Open Office and any other useful Open Source program and hand them out in Europe to all those buying the low end Windows that doesn't come with a browser. They could do it with CDs too but USB is just cooler and the sticks could be used later for other things, still carrying the company logo.

    Enjoy the show.