Scary movies…we got them, in depth documentaries…we got them, vampire movies that don’t suck…we got them, two super sexy and amazing hosts…you know The Movie Podcast has them! This week Michael and James go in depth on The Tillman Story, Let Me In, and the listener voted Monsters. There are ups and downs this week for sure, but overall there is something for everyone. James seems to have an addiction to Travel Channel’s Man v. Food as he somehow watched the complete third season in 3 days. Michael is a complete slacker this week even though he was completely snowed in up in Albany, but we will cut him some slack after the plethora of movies he watched last week. To top it all of we break down 4 brand new movie trailers and even talk about the new Captain American movie. So sit down plug in your mp3 player of choice and enjoy 1 hour and 8 minutes of movie bliss.
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Movie reviews this week:
Other topics:
- Super Bowl XLV
- Tosh.0
- The Office
- Snowy Albany & Beautiful Arizona
- Justin Bieber
Theatrical Releases
Tune in next week as we review I Spit On Your Grave, Life as we know it, and don’t forget to vote on our Facebook Page and vote on the Listener Pick movie, and also follow us on Twitter.
Super secrete picture: