Home » Entertainment 2.0 #95: More Embedded and Questions Answered
Entertainment 2.0 HTPC Podcasts Windows Media Center

Entertainment 2.0 #95: More Embedded and Questions Answered

PrintYep, the show’s a day late.  Those things happen when your household goes nuts on a Friday but we’re here now and we’ve got the answers to all of your Media Center questions!

Thanks to everyone who called or wrote in.  While there was some news this week, the voice mails and emails really made the show.  Some great questions this week and hopefully there’s something helpful for everyone here.

News-wise, Niveus is gone from the Media Center landscape but new plugins keep coming.  Besides our current stuff, Reycom is looking to put Media Center Embedded on the map in Europe and after watching their demo video, all I can say is that I hope this box makes its way to the US as quickly as possible.  Check the link below for all the details!

Click here to download Episode #95!

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About the author

Adam Thursby

Adam Thursby is the founder and creator of The Digital Media Zone.

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  • Re Entertainment 2.0 #95 and this 'entertaining' gem of a myopic comment 'This is America we get everything first'

    Oh Really! I live in Japan.
    How's your 1GB internet service? I've had it for 1 year and next month they will install 10GB service but hey you get everything first
    How's your 3D TV channel line up. I've had 4 channels for 8 months and in December it will go to 16 (handy because I have 8 TV tuners built in) but hey you get everything first
    How's your Ultra High Definition TV 7,680 × 4,320 – I have had it From NHK for 6 months and it make Hi def look like pacman but hey you get everything first

    How's your hi-speed free WI-fi cloud, I have it everywhere which is convenient because my mobile phone plan is also free too (thanks to the 1gb provider) but hey you get everything first
    How's your digital camera?, your high quality audio equipment, your high end games. I have them all and they don't say made in China and sold at best buy they say made in Japan and they last more than 90 days but hey you get everything first
    Thanks for the podcast, they are 'indeed entertaining' because i laugh every time i hear gem's like 'we get everything first'