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HTPC Windows Media Center

Media Center Intro

windows-media-center-logo This particular screencast isn’t for the old dogs out there.  I took time today to do a beginner’s walk-through of what Media Center offers you once you start taking advantage of this great system.

Windows Media Center comes baked right into every copy of Windows 7 Premium and Ultimate.  More than likely you have it and don’t even know about it.  The fact is though, there’s a ton of stuff you can do with Media Center right out of the box.  If you never thought about it, take a look at the short video below and learn what Media Center has in store.  If afterward you have questions or comments, contact us and ask away.  There’s always someone willing to answer your questions!
Media Center Intro

Clubhouse Tags: clubhouse, media center, windows media center, media center-windows 7, story



About the author

Adam Thursby

Adam Thursby is the founder and creator of The Digital Media Zone.