Home Theater Review is reporting that Russound has announced an iPhone/iPod Touch control system for the company’s home theater equipment. The new RNET is a Graphical User Interface that allows you to control zones and components in a Russound multi-room installation.
From the HTR article:
"The RNET Touchpoint is more than an application for the iPhone or iPod touch," said Russound Product Manager Roger Soucy. "It’s a true IP-to-serial control interface that gives users a convenient, one-touch wireless control solution, through a platform that they’re already comfortable with, and without the need for any additional downloads or plug-ins."
The Touchpoint TCHS1 is a network connected device that works with any IP-based wireless LAN, and serves up customized interface screens that can be viewed with the built-in Safari browser on either an Apple iPhone or iPod touch. Any user with access to the home’s Wi-Fi network simply types in the IP address of the Touchpoint TCH1S device and saves it as a bookmark on the iPhone or iPod touch home screen. This places a Russound icon on the home screen, which allows for one-touch access to control functions for any zone or source component in a Russound RNET multiroom audio system, including instantaneous status feedback.
Many of us have used mobile devices to control our HTPC but this is the first time I’ve heard of a company setting up their equipment to working with them. Hopefully we’ll see this expand soon!