Home » Russound Announces iPhone Home Theater Controller
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Russound Announces iPhone Home Theater Controller

image Home Theater Review is reporting that Russound has announced an iPhone/iPod Touch control system for the company’s home theater equipment.  The new RNET is a Graphical User Interface that allows you to control zones and components in a Russound multi-room installation.


From the HTR article:

"The RNET Touchpoint is more than an application for the iPhone or iPod touch," said Russound Product Manager Roger Soucy. "It’s a true IP-to-serial control interface that gives users a convenient, one-touch wireless control solution, through a platform that they’re already comfortable with, and without the need for any additional downloads or plug-ins."

The Touchpoint TCHS1 is a network connected device that works with any IP-based wireless LAN, and serves up customized interface screens that can be viewed with the built-in Safari browser on either an Apple iPhone or iPod touch. Any user with access to the home’s Wi-Fi network simply types in the IP address of the Touchpoint TCH1S device and saves it as a bookmark on the iPhone or iPod touch home screen. This places a Russound icon on the home screen, which allows for one-touch access to control functions for any zone or source component in a Russound RNET multiroom audio system, including instantaneous status feedback.

Many of us have used mobile devices to control our HTPC but this is the first time I’ve heard of a company setting up their equipment to working with them.  Hopefully we’ll see this expand soon!



About the author

Adam Thursby

Adam Thursby is the founder and creator of The Digital Media Zone.