Home » Episode 26- Hurry Up! Hockey’s On!
Entertainment 2.0 Podcasts

Episode 26- Hurry Up! Hockey’s On!

Ent20logo2 It’s that time of the week again.  Thanks once more to everyone who joined us for the live show last night.  I’m (and I think I can type for Josh) really enjoying the live aspect of Wednesday nights so I encourage you to join in the fun!  Just click the “Live Show” tab at the top of the page and you’ll be all set.

We took time this week to cover a little news that’s come out recently.  Notably possible MKV support in build 7077 or Windows 7 as well as the rumored ZuneHD and the possibilities it brings.  We also touched on an article written by TechRadar detailing 7 companies that MS should look to buy.  Two of them were Media Center related so Josh and I shared our opinions on those.

We hope everyone is enjoying the show.  We look forward to your feedback!  Comment below or send us a message on Twitter.  We always want to hear from you!

Don’t forget about the Entertainment 2.0 drop!  No one has left us any content yet and Josh is starting to get upset about the whole situation.  Since his hockey team most likely won’t go very far in the playoffs he needs something to look forward to so upload your system pics or leave us a voicemail!

Click here to download Episode 26 or listen below:

