Dan Skaggs joins Richard this week while Josh enjoys a much-deserved vacation break. Lots of speculation and rumors in the Windows Phone space, including information about some upcoming new Windows Phones from Microsoft and a (confirmed?) announcement of Windows Phone on HTC’s incredible One hardware platform. Microsoft introduces a developer board for Windows 8.1, but at quite a steep price. But the big news is that Dan’s system is working now, and it’s all because of Josh’s advice last week!
We conducted an experiment this week, recording live with video on YouTube. We had some…challenges, but it worked out well enough that we’ll likely try it again sometime. Let us know what you think! And if you’re not listening live, you’re missing a lot of fun. Join us next week for the live recording of episode 289 on Tuesday, August 5th at 8:00pm ET!
Click here to download episode #288
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Show Links:
- Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 includes support for folders and interactive cases
- Verizon to get HTC One (W8) for Windows Phone on August 21
- New rumor claims Microsoft will reveal two new Windows Phones soon
- Music services on Windows Phone
- Meet Microsoft’s Sharks Cove: A Raspberry Pi-style mini-PC running Windows 8.1
- Microsoft delivers a massive and gorgeous update to Xbox Video for Windows 8.1
- Verizon Beefs Up FiOS TV App For Xbox
- Meetup 2014 Overview on Home Server Show 263
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The intro music is a song called Rogue by Raw Stiles