Home » Seen in HD 111 – Netflix digs embargos; Auto-Hop gets sued; ET goes Blu; Goon, Ghost Recon reviews
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Seen in HD 111 – Netflix digs embargos; Auto-Hop gets sued; ET goes Blu; Goon, Ghost Recon reviews


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Here’s the rundown of this week’s show:

It’s been a quiet past couple weeks for us, but we’re back now. We kick off with a look back at news we missed, and we look ahead to E3 next week. Netflix and Redbox differ on embargos, Netflix to add multiple-stream accounts, Dish Network’s Auto Hop get hauled to court, and Matt reviews Goon and the latest Ghost Recon game.

Blu-ray releases for June 5.

Click here to download Episode 111!

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Phil Lozen


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    Great show! I’ve never been a big fan of the Ghost Recon
    games though. The stuff about Dish’s Auto Hop and the networks is kind of
    crazy. I know I could be called biased because I work at Dish, but I just can’t
    wrap my head around the networks’ logic. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love
    the Auto Hop feature, but even without it, does anyone with a DVR actually sit
    through the commercials on a pre-recorded show? I know I skip them. I’ve been
    fast forwarding through commercials back before DVRs were around, back in the
    days of VCRs, dollar a gallon unleaded, and pay-phones. Skipping the
    commercials allows me to fit more of those shows into my schedule, and Auto Hop
    makes it much easier, and pleasant to do it. Do the networks’ want me to get
    some kind of repetitive stress injury from smashing the Skip Forward button
    over and over?

  • I may be wrong, but my understanding of the Hopper is they are not in fact modifying the content.  While they are manually determining timestamps for commercial breaks, that is only sent as metadata … the commercials are still there and you can manually rew/ff to watch them. 

    All the hopper is doing is looking at the metadata and then auto-skipping when it sees the timestamp.  In order to not piss off the broadcasters (though obviously it didn’t work), they are not turning this feature on by default.  They require you to manually turn it on.

    Regardless, my understanding is they are not changing the content.