If you’re one of the millions of iPhone or iPod Touch users out there who also happens to use Windows Media Center at home, your life just may have gotten a bit easier.
Kumatek announced earlier this week that Apple has approved the Ncontrol app for their touch devices. Ncontrol will allow you to use your iPhone or Touch as a remote control for your Media Center as well as extenders.
Not being an iPhone or iPod Touch owner, I can’t say how well the app works but it’s nice to see some integration with other devices that people use every day. You can follow this thread over at TGB to see how people are getting on with the application. Hopefully we’ll see more development in this direction with the ZuneHD should MS announce an app store.
Watch the installation video below to help get started!
Genesis 3:10 reads: “And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked.”
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