Home » 1,000 Free MP3s from ReverbNation and Microsoft

1,000 Free MP3s from ReverbNation and Microsoft

windows_masthead_A Ok, so it’s not top artists.  It’s not music you already have but the fact is that I’ve found a few tracks that I enjoy already and it has made it worth it for me to visit the Windows MySpace page even though I’d normally go no where near MySpace.

ReverbNation has partnered with Microsoft to bring you 1,000 free tracks to fill up the PMP of your choice.  The tracks are available in either MP3 or M4A format so you can’t complain that they won’t be compatible.  While there are a ton of artists here that I’ve never heard of, you can listen to the songs before you download which means you’re not getting stuck with a download you don’t want.

With genres like Hip-Hop, Jazz, Alternative, and Latin, they’ve pretty much added something for everyone!  Just on the first page I was able to find Warren G, Pepper and the Lemonheads.  All good tracks.

Head to ReverbNation’s Windows page to start grabbing up some free music for your summer!




via Zune Thoughts



About the author

Adam Thursby

Adam Thursby is the founder and creator of The Digital Media Zone.