EngadgetHD today posted some of Netflix’s first quarter results. Like the guys over there, I’m not a financial analyst but when I hear that:
CEO Reed Hastings in its Q1 results means things are going pretty well: "We added more net subscribers than in any previous quarter in our history and grew year-over-year GAAP EPS by 76 percent."
I don’t need to start crunching heavy numbers to know that things seem to be going well. What does this mean for you and your content? Well, with over 10 million Netflix subscribers, I’m hoping this means that streaming content is slowly going to take over. With only 10.5 million Blu-Ray players in US households, Netflix seems to be holding it’s own so far.
This is good news for people like myself who like the streaming model. I have no need for physical media anymore. A 1TB HDD and a download service that allows me to purchase HD content at a reasonable price is all I need. This model is still being worked on of course and until studios realize that there is a potential market I’m willing to use companies like Netflix to get my content.
As Richard from EngadgetHD reported though, there’s no word in the Netflix report on when we might see more HD or surround sound content…ah well, we can’t have everything at once.