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Stay Tuned for Home: On Live from CEDIA

Stay Tuned for Home: On Live from CEDIA

Updated to correct times in each time zone. Time zone math is hard!

This Friday, September 7, at 11:00 a.m. PDT, we’ll be live streaming Home: On from the CEDIA Expo in San Diego, California.

We record audio and video interviews at conferences pretty regularly. We post them to YouTube or include in episodes of Home: On or Entertainment 2.0. And we even record Entertainment 2.0 and have recorded a few select episodes of Home: On live, inviting participation from an online chat room. But we’ve never before streamed a full on-location episode of Home: On.

Stay Tuned for Home: On Live from CEDIAThat’s exactly what we’ll be doing this Friday, thanks to our next episode’s sponsor, the Z-Wave Alliance, and the assistance of Caster Communications. Richard Gunther will be presenting Home: On from from the show floor in the Z-Wave Alliance space, joined by alliance Executive Director Mitch Klein and a lineup of great guests.

Join us on our Live page or on Mixer to listen live and join the chat. The show begins at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time, 2:00 p.m. Eastern. Bandwidth permitting, we also plan to stream video.
