Technology news tends to slow down in the month of January due to the Consumer Electronics Show being in early January. Most companies wait to make their announcements there, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have anything to talk about on Entertainment 2.0! Josh and Richard invited Ben Drawbaugh of Engadget
HD fame back to the show. It’s been almost two years since he’s been on the show, but he’s still using Media Center, and he still loves to talk about it. This week the guys used the news out of SiliconDust and the FCC to guide the conversation. Could SiliconDust’s move to support DLNA, and the FCC’s recent blessing of the technology, be a sign of how we might see the consumer entertainment technology field shifting in the coming months? What about Media Center and other DVRs? How do tablets factor into this? All of this and more discussion about the Ceton Echo from the trio on episode 207 of the Entertainment 2.0 podcast. If you’re not listening live you’re missing a lot of fun, so make sure to join Josh and Richard for the live recording of episode 208 next Tuesday, December 18th at 8:00pm ET!
Click here to download episode #207
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The intro music is a song called Rogue by Raw Stiles