Home » Seen in HD 105 – More ME3 news, video game labeling, strange case of Zediva, The Muppets review
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Seen in HD 105 – More ME3 news, video game labeling, strange case of Zediva, The Muppets review


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Here’s the rundown of this week’s show:

Starting off the week we circle back on a pair of stories from last week. We start with a brief update on UltraViolet and Wal Mart and then get more into the Mass Effect 3 hubbub, with word that Bioware is looking at revising the ending to the popular series somehow. We also look at the strange case of streaming company Zediva.

Matt reviews the new Muppets movie and Ninja Gaiden 3.

Blu-ray releases for March 26.

Click here to download Episode 105!

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