It seems that people are starting to enjoy watching content online. Video Business has published the latest Nielson report which shows that online viewing jumped 58% per user in the last year. Turns out that online viewers consumed an average of three hours of online content in April compared to two hours and 10 minutes a year ago.
From the report, released on Monday:
Shorter-form video sites attracted the most users, with Google, parent of leading online-video site YouTube, attracting about 139 million unique users in April, followed by Microsoft’s 124 million and Yahoo!’s 120 million, Nielsen said.
The surge in amount of time spent watching online videos is consistent with earlier reports stating that the typical online video is lengthening. Nielsen said in February that the average length of a video stream had risen 22% from a year earlier.
I know we definitely consume a lot more online content in our house. Where do you get your content now? Broadcast? Streaming? Download? Disk? Leave a comment and let us know!