It’s hard to believe, but this coming Tuesday, October 23rd, will be the 200th episode of the Entertainment 2.0 podcast! We wanted to celebrate by giving you a gift! We figure that if you’ve managed to actually listen to us this long you deserve a prize (maybe a Purple Heart would be more appropriate). So we convinced the guys over at Ceton to provide us with their latest device, the Echo Windows Media Center extender, to give away! You will have to do a little work to be entered into the drawing though.
There have been a lot of great moments over the last 199 episodes. We would like to hear what your favorite moment was! If you send us your favorite moment you’ll automatically be entered into the drawing. On Tuesday night we’ll assemble a list of everyone who has entered and pick a random number (by using The person who corresponds with the number chosen will win the Echo.
There are lots of ways for you to send us your favorite moment.
- Leave us a comment on this post
- Email us at or just use the contact form. You could also email us an mp3.
- Leave us a voicemail by calling 1-877-856-4933. We’ll play it on the show! Make sure to say your name clearly.
- Tweet us! Make sure you include @digimediazone in the tweet so that we see it!
- Like our Facebook page and leave your favorite moment on our wall
You have to get your entry in by 4pm Eastern October 23rd for it to be included in the drawing. Then make sure you join us live that night as Josh and Richard are joined by previous hosts Adam Thursby and Craig Scholle. We’ll announce the winner during episode 200.
My favorite episode is that one were you gave away a free Ceton Echo. That was a great one. Oh… wait… its this one. This one is my favorite.
I would love to win.
my favorite episode was the one where you took my question, and then brought it up again the next week! My wife thought i was a superstar…
My favorite moment has been the only person that I can remember that was able to have a 2 episode question a couple of weeks ago. For a moment that is less self centered. I enjoyed the round table that you did with Ben Drawbaugh a couple of years ago. that is the episode that actually got me to start listening to the show.
My favorite episode was when Richard admitted to liking Windows Phone 7.
My fave episode was the one where they answered questions and kept us informed…..oh wait, that was all of them.
I like it when Adam joins you as a guest. That’s always fun.
200 episodes! Way to go guys. Thanks for all the great Media Center info. Keep it up.
congrats 🙂
flattery won’t get you extra entries 🙂
reminder: your comment must include a favorite moment from the show for it to be included in the contest
WMC is not dead! Long live WMC.
My favorite episode is the one where I won the ceton infinitv 4, that jere was giving away. Lets make it 2 for 2!
My favorite episode was the one where you talked about DVD-Ripping, I found it very useful.
My favorite episode was the one where I was on and my wife kept passing me notes saying “You promised me no more than 90 minutes”
WMC and home automation. Looking forward to playing with Ceton Echo.
Want to use this with my HD Prime.
That;s like saying “I’m buying a Apple TV to use with my Windows phone” 😉
My favorite is Episode 125 where you first introduced me to show analyzer. Even though I can no longer use it because of Copy Once protection on the cable card recordings.
What could be better than skipping commercials? I’ll be looking to get the ComSkip “Beta”
200!? Wow, congratulations you guys. Thanks for all your hard work supporting this entertainment platform and helping users like myself.
Didn’t realize you guys had made that many episodes. Congrats. My favorite one was the one about this past E3.
I haven’t listened yet, but if I win I’ll definitely start!
my favorite episode so far is #191talking about the splashtop app and streaming video, i was trying to figure out how to do this
I win.
My favorite is when I win the free Ceton Echo! But I just really like all the episodes
hope I can win the ceton echo, built the HTPC but need to get rid of comcast DVR
I Always enjoyed a good Adam Rant , back in the old days! Pick Me!
I would join and compare everything to a McRib in the chat and sometimes it would distract the podcasters. The live chats were always great. I need to listen live I haven’t listened live in a long time.
My favorite episode was the one where Adam came back to discuss cable installations. I recall a quote that went something like “Bits were spilling out all over the place.”
My favourite moment might be a bit touchy considering who the guests are for episode 200, you see, my favourite moment was when josh took over as the primary host
My favorite was when Ben Drawbaugh dissed Adam for not having an HD TV
My favorite is the one where you compare the Echo to the DMA2100 that I sent you. Guess I have to wait for that.
You can expect a complete comparison once we have the Echo, and are allowed to fully review it with final, or near-final software. Again, I thank you for being willing to let us use your device for testing.
please send me a free echo