Home » Win a Ceton Echo for Entertainment 2.0 Episode 200
Entertainment 2.0

Win a Ceton Echo for Entertainment 2.0 Episode 200

Win a Ceton Echo for Entertainment 2.0 Episode 200

It’s hard to believe, but this coming Tuesday, October 23rd, will be the 200th episode of the Entertainment 2.0 podcast! We wanted to celebrate by giving you a gift! We figure that if you’ve managed to actually listen to us this long you deserve a prize (maybe a Purple Heart would be more appropriate). So we convinced the guys over at Ceton to provide us with their latest device, the Echo Windows Media Center extender, to give away! You will have to do a little work to be entered into the drawing though.

There have been a lot of great moments over the last 199 episodes. We would like to hear what your favorite moment was! If you send us your favorite moment you’ll automatically be entered into the drawing. On Tuesday night we’ll assemble a list of everyone who has entered and pick a random number (by using random.org). The person who corresponds with the number chosen will win the Echo.

There are lots of ways for you to send us your favorite moment.

  • Leave us a comment on this post
  • Email us at entertainment20@thedigitalmediazone.com or just use the contact form. You could also email us an mp3.
  • Leave us a voicemail by calling 1-877-856-4933. We’ll play it on the show! Make sure to say your name clearly.
  • Tweet us! Make sure you include @digimediazone in the tweet so that we see it!
  • Like our Facebook page and leave your favorite moment on our wall

You have to get your entry in by 4pm Eastern October 23rd for it to be included in the drawing. Then make sure you join us live that night as Josh and Richard are joined by previous hosts Adam Thursby and Craig Scholle. We’ll announce the winner during episode 200.


  • Win a Ceton Echo for Entertainment 2.0 Episode 200

    Josh has been writing software since his parents brought home their first computer. His love for gadgets and technology eventually spurred a passion for home theater technology. After starting the DMZ, he received Microsoft’s MVP award for Windows Media Center. Even though the beloved home theater PC platform is all but dead he continues to tinker with consumer entertainment technology. He’s a life-long gamer and DIY smart home enthusiast. He co-hosts the Entertainment 2.0 podcast with Richard Gunther and the DMZ’s gaming podcast, Story Players, with Joe DeStazio.


About the author

Josh Pollard

Josh has been writing software since his parents brought home their first computer. His love for gadgets and technology eventually spurred a passion for home theater technology. After starting the DMZ, he received Microsoft’s MVP award for Windows Media Center. Even though the beloved home theater PC platform is all but dead he continues to tinker with consumer entertainment technology. He’s a life-long gamer and DIY smart home enthusiast. He co-hosts the Entertainment 2.0 podcast with Richard Gunther and the DMZ’s gaming podcast, Story Players, with Joe DeStazio.


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