Chris and Taylor talk about Apple’s WWDC event including new Macbooks, iOS 6 and other Apple news. Taylor shares a green tech story of the week and a tip of the week. Mash play to listen in.
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Top News
- WWDC 2012 Roundup: iOS 6, new Macs, iCloud updates, and OS X Mountain Lion (+ Bonus new Apple App) via 9to5mac
- Apple next-generation MacBook Pro (with Retina display) hands-on at WWDC 2012 via Engadget
- MacBook Pro with Retina Display Teardown via iFixIt
- Apple intros new iPad Smart Case: clever enough to cover both sides, priced at $50 via Engadget
- Apple Previews iOS 6 With All New Maps, Siri Features, Facebook Integration, Shared Photo Streams & New Passbook App via Apple
- Apple’s Mountain Lion preview: iCloud, apps, and new Power Nap for $20 via Apple
- Mac Pro gets minor update with standard 12-core option, no Xeon E5 via ArsTechnica
- Enhanced “My Xbox LIVE” apps for iOS and Android available today via MajorNelson
- Xperia Ion, first Sony-branded smartphone in the US, arrives June 24 via ArsTechnica
- Verizon Wireless Unveils New Share Everything Plans For Basic Phones, Smartphones, Tablets And More via VerizonWireless
- Razr Maxx unseats iPhone for first time on Verizon via cnet
- Amazon Cloud Player for iPhone Gives You Access to Your Cloud Drive Music Anywhere via Lifehacker
- Vizio launches Mac-like PCs starting at $898 via cnet
thEndUsr Stories
- Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and others scramble for new top-level domains like .app, .xbox, and .book via theVerge
- 1.5 Gigawatts from a Thermal Chimney Power Tower via ecogeek
Tip of the Week:How to Mark All Emails as Read on Your iPhone via lifehacker
Decade-long Civ II game mired in 1700 years of nuclear war via ArsTechnica