Home » The Movie Podcast: Sept. 20th 2010
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The Movie Podcast: Sept. 20th 2010

article-secret-in-their-eyeIt’s time for your weekly movie review!  This week, James is back in Romania and still makes time to stay up late to ensure folks get a show.  That’s some dedication right there.  Hopefully he’ll be back stateside soon so things get a bit easier but until he is, we’ll still be here reviewing each week’s releases.

Fall is moving in and so are some of the bigger summer releases.  We also get cultural this week by reviewing our first Argentinian film.  It’s my top pick of the week so there must be something there considering the Hollywood titles we have.  Enjoy the show!

Click here to download Episode 21!

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Music for The Movie Podcast provided by Amish Rake Fight

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