Home » The Movie Podcast: June 14th, 2010
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The Movie Podcast: June 14th, 2010

The Movie Podcast:  June 14th, 2010The summer slow down is in full effect when it comes to media releases.  The studios want you in the theaters so, just like TV seasons, they don’t come with a whole lot during the summer.  That said, there are some great titles here that completely blindsided me.

James and I both give up Unthinkable as our pick of the week.  No matter which side of the torture debate you find yourself, you may have to rethink it by the end of this film.  A definite must-see and we both think it’s one of the best of 2010 so far.

Other than that, it’s your weekly fare of catalog titles coming to Blu-ray along with a good number of TV shows releasing seasons.  Enjoy!

Click here to download Episode 8

Movie Releases

TV Releases

We want to hear from you!  During this week’s show, we ask our audience:  What are your top 5 comedies!?  You can email your answers to us or call 1-877-856-4933 and we’ll play your voicemail on the show.  Either way, when you give us your list, you’ll be entered to win a Blu-ray of James’ choice!  (Comedy of course.)  Yep, we’re doing another giveaway so get your answers in to us by Monday, June 21st at 12pm eastern time.  The winner will be announced during next week’s show.

Music for The Movie Podcast provided by Amish Rake Fight

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