Thanks to Ogre on Twitter this morning for a look at the new features coming to Media Browser. Sam Saffron, one of the lead developers for the app has published some of the things we can expect Media Browser to do with the next release and after reading Sam’s post, I am excited!
This is one of those apps that is automatic for me. It handles all of my movies as well as archived television. We still use Recorded TV for things we grab from broadcast but that may come to an end soon. According to Sam, DVR-MS support will be built into the next build. This is done by way of a plugin which will provide your metadata and make everything look good.
There are other features coming that Sam shows off which include:
- Podcast support
- iTunes HD Trailer support
- Global indexing
- Multiple backdrops
- …and more!
If you want to read all about what the Media Browser team has in store, head over to Sam’s blog. I really hope the development keeps going like this. As much as I hate having to re-install the app every few weeks, Sam and the rest of the team make it worth it every time!