Marco Schwartz, author of Home Automation with Arduino, joins us to discuss open home automation. If you have a maker mentality, and you want complete control over your connected devices, open home automation may be for you. Marco walks through some of the more interesting projects he’s completed and points us toward some resources available to get you started.
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Show Links
- Apple TV Update Enables remote access relay for HomeKit connected accessories
- Tado adds physical controls to its second-gen smart thermostat
- Electronic House has released a new book about Home Automation
- Instructables
- adafruit
- sparkfun
- Check out Marco’s site about Open Home Automation
- Get Marco’s ebook, Home Automation with Arduino
- Follow Marco’s work on Twitter at @openhomeauto
- Watch the Open Home Automation channel on YouTube
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I’m enjoying listening to the podcasts. For this show, I believe it was Ron that asked about a garage controller. Check out my Arduino-based garage controller that works with my Vera gateway on Instructables: Besides opening/closing the garage door, I also control my front irrigation system.