Josh and Richard tried to keep episode 164, and to get the live show started on time this week. Only one of those goals were accomplished, but that’s okay! As usual, the show was kicked off by some great listener feedback before Josh made a correction on the topic of DVD ripping from the last few weeks. After that Richard filled us in on some very interesting Windows Phone rumors. Then Josh found a way to make Richard really angry, by talking about the latest CableCARD numbers. After he calmed down, Richard gave us all the details of Cyberlink’s latest installment of PowerDVD before giving us a very timely Media Center Quick Tip of the
Week Month. Make sure to join Josh and Richard for the live recording of the next episode of the show next Tuesday, February 7th, at 8pm ET!
Click here to download episode #164
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Show Links:
- Complain to the FCC
- Nokia Lumia 900 to Launch for $99
- The Current State of CableCARD
- Cyberlink PowerDVD 12
- Media Center Quick Tip: Replay Videos in Slow Motion
- Microsoft Booth Tour and Metro Walk videos
- Help Wanted at the DMZ
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