Home » Seen in HD 54 – Amazon on Blu-ray, coal for 3D this holiday, Alien Anthology review
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Seen in HD 54 – Amazon on Blu-ray, coal for 3D this holiday, Alien Anthology review



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Here’s the rundown of this week’s show:

Amazon made a very in-depth presentation at the recent Blu-con conference, and we take a look at it. A new study shows a not-so Merry Christmas for 3D this year. James Cameron teams with Panasonic to help calibrate your set for his blue friends and some other smaller news items.

Plus a review of the Alien Anthology from Matt.

Premieres and specials this week (courtesy Geek Tonic)

HD Sportsman


Blu-ray market share at its highest since April.

Blu-ray sales | Combined DVD/Blu-ray sales

Blu-ray releases for November 16

Click here to download Episode 54!

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[tags]blu-ray, Seen in HD, Alien Anthology, Blu-con, Red Box, Avatar, 3DTV, podcast[/tags]
