Home » HTPCentric 02: Media Storage and Management
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HTPCentric 02: Media Storage and Management

HTPCentric 02: Media Storage and ManagementWe’re back for April and spring is in full swing.  Jere Jones and I are back this month with all the ins and outs of storing and cataloging your media.  Just like most things, there are different strokes for different folks and Jere and I are joined by two guys who store a ton of media and who have different ways of doing it.

Jose Ortiz is a Media Center and Windows Home Server user who maintains a really good back-up system for his media.  He’s taken a lot of time to get things the way he wants them and doesn’t want to see anything happen.

Stanley Kim is a SageTV man who’s used not only SageTV but Media Center as well and as such, has a lot of experience when it comes to storing content.

Not only do cover the means and methods for storing content but we even take time to jump over and discuss the future of media storage and streaming and how things might change in the future.

We hope you enjoy HTPCentric.  If there’s a specific topic you’d like us to cover or if you’d like to join us on a future show just hit the contact page here on the DMZ and let us know!

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About the author

Adam Thursby

Adam Thursby is the founder and creator of The Digital Media Zone.


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  • To: The person that needs Resume on My Movies. Here's a sorta workaround that will work for movies in a format like dvr-ms that allows use of fast forward: When you stop a movie note the time position. Then when you want to resume click play and then type in the time position in minutes/secs and then click fast forward. Example: to skip to the 45 minute mark enter 4500.

  • I found this podcast through GeekTonic and I like it a lot. I am only dabbling now in the HTPC world, and I am taking a much different approach, but I feel like I am learning from all your mistakes. I had plans to get a ceton card and take advantage of my fios connection, but I am holding off now. all my movies are HD and MKVs and although I can get them to play great in WMC with a codec pack (Shark007 works great and un-installs everything when you remove it) but if I was to add extenders I would be hosed, and on the fly transcoding is horrible even on a well specced pc.

    I actually have hope that sage and MythTV will be able to take advantage of cablecards with the new FCC mandates and I love the presentation of XBMC which just added a PVR frontend. So by the end of the year my hope is to have a PC as a sage or mythtv backend with cable cards, windows home server backing stuff up, and then mini-pcs at my 3 tvs playing XBMC clients that get live tv. Thats right, I smoke the good stuff….