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Home: On #158 – Smarthome Quibbles with Allison Sheridan

Allison Sheridan from Podfeet Podcasts joins us to discuss the more problematic side of home automation—when things don’t work as expected or desired. What’s annoying us in our respective smart homes and how do we deal with problems when they arise? Why do we even put ourselves through all this? We also touch on a few interesting smart home stories from the past few months.

Home: On #158 - Smarthome Quibbles with Allison Sheridan


The Digital Media Zone produces a line-up of podcasts for technology enthusiasts. With shows covering media technologies, gaming, and home automation, we'll keep you up-to-date on what's happening in your digital world. All our shows are available through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more. Subscribe in your favorite podcatcher, or visit our individual show pages so you don’t miss a single episode.

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