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With Windows 10 Comes the Sounds of Groove Music


We were wondering when this would happen…

As Windows 10 does the slow rollout to PCs all over the world, Microsoft has flipped the switch on its new music service.

It is no longer Xbox Music. It is now Groove.

Groove offers pretty much everything you’ve known from Xbox Music. You can get a Groove Music Pass for access to almost all of the marketplace, you can listen to Groove on various devices from phones (like iOS and Android) all the way up to Xbox One consoles. You can even listen to Groove Music at its new web destination. Groove still connects to the music folder in your Onedrive, so you can listen to that music for free (no need for a music pass, for that feature). If you’re on the fence about using Groove Music Pass, Microsoft is offering a 30-Day trial of the service.

Today is a good day. As Windows 10 hopes to upgrade the world, Groove music hopes to make the world dance, too.

For more information about Groove Music, check out their website.
