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What’s Up With Zune?

image There’s some Zune news leaking out and to be honest, I’m not sure what to make of it.  Several Zune blogs and other news sources are quoting @officethemovie, a twitter account supposedly linked to the new Microsoft Office 2010 website which has posted the following tweets:


  • May 11th – June 2009 will be an important month for Zune lovers.
  • May 12th – @Gilly2468 @Chimerica @clubdirthill @serenecloud New product launch, that’s all I’m allowed to say. Hold off from buying an iPhone/Pre. 🙂

Does this mean we can expect a Zune phone in June?  The previously rumored Zune HD?  Or is this some jokester looking to create a buzz over nothing?  With so few updates, I have to wonder…apparently only June will tell.  I certainly hope we’re getting a new Zune soon but at the same time, if it only comes in phone form I guess I’ll stick with my current Zune 80.  Stay tuned to The DMZ for more info!



About the author

Adam Thursby

Adam Thursby is the founder and creator of The Digital Media Zone.