If you’re in the market for a new surround sound receiver, you might want to take a look at Denon and the new AVR-4310CI. According to a recently published Home Theater Magazine article, when the AVR-43210CI comes to market later this month it’ll be the first surround receiver to come with DSX surround listening mode.
From the Home Theater Mag article:
The announcement came yesterday at a Denon line show. It follows Onkyo’s debut of the first receiver with Dolby Pro Logic IIz by a few months.
DSX adds width and height channels to the standard 5.1-channel surround array. Both are 45 degrees off-center; the height channels are also 45 degrees upward. Audyssey says its research shows listeners are most likely to appreciate the addition of width, followed by the addition of width, followed by the addition of back-surrounds.
Also announced was the fact that all Denon receivers from here on out will come with Dolby Pro Logic IIz which also has height enhancements.
For those wondering, Audyssey’s system gives you a total of 11 speakers which, when placed properly add more depth to surround sound.